Monday, July 13, 2009

What Happens Now?

Seems I’ve come to a point in my life were I’m like literally “what the fuck happens now?” I went from a married, divorced, married, and now a father. Looking back I’ve had a significant change every year the past four years. Now that I’m a father what happens next? I can’t wait for the memories I’ll acquire as a growing family. What happens next when all the kids are moved out and its just Cristy and I? I’ll tell you one thing I refuse to become the old people that just stay at home talking about how much fun they had in the past. I’d much prefer to be the old people that talk about how much fun they are happening now.
Now here is the point I get stuck. I know what I want the overall outcome to be, but how am I going to go about achieving that? Shall I work my ass off till it is six feet under?

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